Pet Bathing

Veterinary Hospital in Statesboro Offers Pet Bathing

At West Side Veterinary Hospital, Statesboro, GA, we're fully aware that some pets display an entirely different personality if they even come near water. Because we want you and your pet to have a safe and pleasant pet bathing experience, we can perform this service for you.

Pet Bathing

Pet Bathing Makes Your Cat and Dog More Relaxed

Contrary to popular belief, pets are not supposed to smell foul, dirty, or dank. Periodically, they may get into something that makes them smell, but their overall typical smell should be pleasant or neutral.

Cats on average need less help bathing than dogs do. Even so, cats will still benefit from a professional grooming session to clean their anal glands, give a deep clean in their fur, trim their nails, and pamper their paw pads. Some longer-haired breeds may also benefit from a slight fur trim.

Dogs should be bathed once a month, but not more than every two weeks. All dogs and cats will attract oil, dirt, bacteria, and debris on their skin and in their hair. A professional groomer will also express an animal’s anal glands and inspect teeth, gait, and other markers of health during the bath.

If you cannot bathe your dogs once a month, be sure to sit them down for a good brushing. Use a brush made especially for their type of fur and breed for the best effect. Give them treats to make it a pleasant experience. While removing excess hair may remove some smells temporarily, it is not a replacement for a proper bath.

Bath Time Helps Remove Pesky Parasites

Getting your pet bathed regularly means you have a regular chance to look for fleas, ticks, and other signs of parasites. If left alone, fleas and ticks can spread in your home, bite you and your family, and potentially lead to the transmission of unpleasant diseases that will require the intervention of medical personnel. After your pets are dried after a bath is an excellent time to treat them with flea and tick medicine if you haven't already done so in the last 30 days. Some pet owners find it helpful to schedule professional grooming once a month and then apply flea and tick medicine when pets arrive home to make sure they stay in the habit.

Contact Our Trusted Veterinarian in Statesboro

We would love to give you and your furry companion both a helping hand to get your dog or cat bathed regularly. Contact West Side Veterinary Hospital, Statesboro, GA, today for an appointment!


Our Location

Hours of Operation


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm





8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm